Horacio Javier Etchichury. Córdoba (Argentina), 1974.
Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales [JSD], Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
LL. M. (Master of Laws), Yale Law School.
Abogado [law degree], UNC.
Licenciado en Comunicación Social [social communication degree], UNC.
Faculty, Philosophy and Humanities School, UNC.
Adjunct Faculty, Law School, UNC.
Independent Researcher, National Scientific Research Council (Spanish acronym: CONICET)
I am a law scholar working on social rights and social policies.
I focus on Argentina's constitutional law, judicial review of social policies, and the World Bank's proposals on social policy for developing countries.
A selection of my published materials can be found here, or at CONICET's repository, or on my Academia.edu page.
Contact information
E-mail: etchichury74 (a) gmail.com
Twitter: @etchichury74